Poem of the Day
I know a man, a really small man
not in size or stature
but in inward disposition.
Humbly pious in every situation
acting and reacting in devious acquisition
hands clasped while heads tumble
scalding others with injustice.
Mean spirited, his prime recreation
living life in falsified salvation.
His whole being reeks of tainted satisfaction
watching the destruction of the campus congregation.
Poteau Continued: I was also an advisor for a program dealing with day care and getting a certificate when finished with the program. With this came the responsibility of enrolling students in the classes needed as well as advising students. I also taught one of the classes.
I was sent a letter from one of my bosses stating that I must make up the hours when I was teaching class because it was "double dipping." This in fact was not double dipping because I was paid separately not to mention the fact that my immediate boss was the PTK advisor and spent many, many hours doing this during the hours she was supposed to be working for the federal programs. There was no way possible she could make up all the hours she spent on this program, and it's my belief, that because she had made PTK a 5 star program, she was never asked to make up hours nor were some other employees, only those not liked by administration.
Anyway, I'm in my new office that I've been told I can have by Joe himself enrolling students and two maintenance men come into my office and tell me that they have been told to move me back, that I did not have permission to move into that office. I tell them that Joe told me I could and that I am enrolling students. They ask me not to be mad at them, they are only doing what they've been told and that I am not the first it's happened to. I tell them ok, but it is very unprofessional and that it is only hurting the college. Somewhere in there, the student I was enrolling, leaves. My computer is down the rest of the day and I can't enroll students. When I'm asked why I am not enrolling, I tell them what happened. Because I can't enroll, it throws others into a mess trying to take up the slack because Joe will not hire adequate help in the registrar’s office.
I have to go through all that crap with my two bosses, then the VP with all of them stating I had not followed "proper procedure." Bullcrap! I followed the procedures laid out. I told my boss, who informed her boss, who informed the VP and it was ok'd by all of them. They all knew that Joe had given me that office. My boss made a key request and no one thought anything about the delay in getting the key because they never gave anyone a key to anything for a very long time. That's why my boss gave me the key she had.
By this time, I am really angry and call Joe's office to make an appointment to speak with him. His secretary tells me that he is in and she will let me know when I can come up. Joe is in my opinion, a total idiot and a pompous windbag full of hot air. Of course, he plays his game and I don't hear from his secretary until 9am the next morning and then she wants to know if I can come up in 15 minutes. This is one of the tactics this a-hole uses to try to throw a person off balance, but it doesn't work with me. I go up. Following is much of what happened and was said because I was documenting everything those backward hillbillies did.
When I walked in, White was standing up and said something to the effect like, "So what is it, another communication problem?" I told him no. He said, "Well, let's see, last time it was the contract. This time it is an office." I told him I didn't have any communication problems about the office. He said, "Well, I guess you did. You got yourself a key and moved your furniture over there." I told him I didn't move my furniture, just my desk stuff. He asked me what I wanted and I told him games were being played. He replied that he was not playing games. I told him he knew he was, he knew he had told me more than once that I would be taking that office when his wife retired. He replied, "Maybe I did and maybe I didn't. If I did, why did it take you three weeks to move in?" I told him because I had been waiting for him to tell me when and I thought since he'd already told me twice, maybe he just expected me to, so I did.
The rest of the jest of the conversation went something like this:
Said I reminded him of his kids when they were little and couldn't have what they wanted and then threw a big fit and then said, "I want an office, I want an office."
Said I had turned down the office for a year and had done nothing. I informed him that his wife had not wanted me in there until she left. He said he knew nothing about that. I told him also that his wife had said he told her he wanted to use the space for faculty so I didn't move in.
Said I had waited three weeks after being offered it again.
Said I hadn’t followed proper procedure. When I asked him what that was he said I should have called his secretary and told her he had given me the office and what did I need to do. I told him that if he was the boss and he had told me I could move in, why did I need to ask his secretary? Then he said I should have called his assistant. Then he said I should have waited until he got back from a trip and called him. Then he said he would have talked to his assistant to see if it was ok with him after I called his secretary. I stated again, if he was the boss, why he needed to ask everyone else.
He stood behind his desk pacing, throwing his arms out wide and yelling, "What do you want? What do you want? Do you want me to apologize, get down on my knees, what?" I told him I didn't want anything but to know why he had done this. He kept saying that most people would have stopped at the VP. I told him I was not most people.
Said that I had drug the whole college into this and people were telling him that I was saying all kinds of bad things about him (a total lie). When I asked him what, he said I had called him horrible names like, "He's a horrible, mean blankety, blank." (another lie) I told him I hadn’t talked to anyone and his informants were wrong and that I would tell them that personally or he could take the message back to them.
He got really upset when I said, "You either have honor or you don't" and continued ranting by saying he got talked about all the time, he was used to it. Then he said people thought highly of him both in town and in college and there wasn't anyone who didn't like him except maybe the 5 people he had fired. (Many people in town did not think highly of him. Many had asked us when we first arrived what we thought of him, and stated that the college was Joe's college. My husband and I both had even been asked if we knew what went on at the college and if we did, how we could work there.)
It ended by him offering me the office again if I wanted to follow proper procedure. I said, "No, you have offered it 2 different times and re-niggled each time."
I cannot express the emotional stress the situation brought on my whole family and as time progressed, it only got worse.