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Monday, November 03, 2003

Poem of the Day


Life revolves
as the world spins along
exit one
as another enters
and the tape plays on.

Poteau Continued: So, now Joe is not only on my husband, but me as well in a more subtle way. My job "that everyone on campus wants", is quickly turning into a job I don't want. I see my two bosses, I see the VP of Student Affairs, and finally, I go to the president himself. He's cordial. He says he sees how I might think my job would be for 10 months since he told me I was taking his wife's job. He tells me that I've made him feel like a heel. He says I can have her office again if I want it. I tell him I do. I walk out knowing that he is dishonest and unethical.

Things begin to make sense now. This is just circumstantial and my own opinion, but I think it is valid. My theory on his disposition is that Joe harbors illusions of grandeur where he is concerned. His outer presentation is charming, caring, and professional, but his true person is quite different. He is very concerned about his reputation, he is extremely power hungry, and if he believes someone to be competition or a threat to him, he goes after that person threatening them with their job security. He believes he is above others and is condescending. He acts as if CASC is his own personal business instead of a state owned college. He has been in power there for 27 years and one of his regents has been on the board longer than that.

He's got my husband and me in his power because we both work at Carl Albert State College as did the previous VP and his wife. Our financial security is at stake and in his hands. He threatened my husband that he would not give him a good reference and would therefore, keep him from getting a job elsewhere and in fact, he did do this in many instances. My husband had more than one interview where he knew he was in the running with indications that he would get the job then all the sudden, he would not hear from those institutions. It didn't take too long before he stopped using Joe as a reference.

Only one thing stood between my husband losing his job without warrant and staying at Carl Albert State College and that was the 10 year accreditation coming up. Joe could not go through the accreditation without someone who knew what had to be done and Joe knew he could not let my husband go until after that. We were safe for awhile.

In the meantime, I go back to my office and wait for Joe to tell me when I can move into his wife's former office. I hear nothing so I begin to think that he just meant for me to move in. He has told me more than once that I can have the office so I go to my boss and let her know that Joe has said again I can have Melba's office. She has a key and gives it to me and I move my computer over. In the meantime, we put in for a key request.

What happens next you won't believe. Stay tuned!

posted by Mines Broken @ Monday, November 03, 2003  


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