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Thursday, July 01, 2004

regional Jargon
I always enjoy hearing the difference in accent and word meaning from different regions in America. I learned two new words for very familiar things that I had never heard before.

In Oklahoma we call soft drinks "pop, soda pop, or coke." I learned last night that in Boston, the word used is "tonic." I had never heard that. They also call a malt or shake a "frap." What the heck is that and where did the word even come from? My Bostonian friends also wanted me to repeat the word "scallops" because they said, "You say it so cute in "your Southern accent."

Tomorrow we head back to Indiana. I will be glad to be "home", but there is nothing to go home to since all my kids are in Oklahoma as well as my mother, brother and numerous childhood friends. I really get homesick sometimes. I haven't been able to live where I grew up for the last 5 years. We have lived in four different towns in five years and none of my kids to date have graduated from the same high school. One graduated from Seminole, one from Maud, one from Poteau, one from South and the 7th grader, we don't know where she'll graduate. All of those were different towns and the one who just graduated, a different state.

So tonight is "goodbye" to Pennsylvania and the new friends met. Some we will encounter again and some we will never see again; so life goes in the poetry of life.

posted by Mines Broken @ Thursday, July 01, 2004  


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