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Thursday, June 17, 2004

I'm going to post now just in case I don't have time tomorrow. I'm not sure I'll be able to in Carlisle. We'll have the laptop, but if we have to use the Barracks server, I won't be able to stay on long so... this may or may not be the last post for 2 weeks. Hopefully, I'll get some pictures of Carlisle, Gettsyburg, and maybe Amish country and put them out when I get back.

I promise, my life didn't used to be as uneventful as it is now. This is the first time in 13 years I haven't worked full-time and staying at home doesn't give me much opportunity for chit-chat with other people. Hopefully, I'll find something I'm really interested in and get involved in that. I'm a photographer and writer, but there are no photography or writers clubs that I know of in Terre Haute. If anyone knows of one, let me know. When I taught elementary school I always had something going on because kids keep you on your toes. I'll have to tell some of those stories sometime.

If I don't blog for awhile, you'll know why.

posted by Mines Broken @ Thursday, June 17, 2004  


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