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Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Poem of the Day


There's a situation, in the Little Dixie nation
and I think LeFlore County is the exact location.
social ignorance and self greed
help to create this ignorant equation.

It seems there's a man, within this delegation
expecting from others, great adulation
feeling he should be, the center of attention
for what he considers, his immaculate reputation.

Actually though, he's a bonafide extremist
living his life, in utmost desecration
toss in a bit, of stupidity and greed
and that my friend, gives you the situation.

Honesty and integrity are few and far between
In fact they aren't even, included in the scene.
His cohorts, how they cackle, when they induce strife
Messing up and destroying, other people's lives.

Now for the idiot's that think he is so grand
Because of their stupidity, they never take a stand
Then there are those, who let the beast roam
Most of them are old, exactly like the crone..

Backward and corrupt the situation grows
And the society here, doesn't even know
The extent of their ignorance, to everyone else
The silly, silly people are too involved with self.

The downfall is coming, the time is drawing nigh
When that situation, will all be put to right
Don't hold your breath, if you are one of them
The outlook for you, is really quite grim.

One by one you'll fall, from your self-proclaimed high
The entire Dixie Nation, will hear an indrawn sigh
When vanity and pride, no longer can you hide
When those on the outside, get a look at the inside.

So begin your mourning now, the wolf is at the door
The secrets will soon be spilling, all across LeFlore
Hold on to your backside, stay for the show
You'll soon be invited to the purging of old Joe.

Poteau Continued:Ah, Poteau. The proper pronuciation for Poteau is Po-toe, but the locals pronounced it Po-doe. I was corrected many times in how to speak Poteauian. But...on to the story. I soon came to realize that my husband and I were receiving the royal treatment because the president did not like the VP of Student Afffairs and his wife. They had been hired about a year before we came and had been given the same royal treatment in the beginning. This man had been hired also believing he would be the next president and in fact, the advertisement had mentioned that fact. His wife was hired in the TRIO programs just as I had been the year before.

These people were ethical, honest, church going people and well respected in the community. However, it wasn't long after we arrived that the president began to use us to show that couple how far they had fallen out of favor with him. And why had they fallen out of favor? Who knows. Joseph's philosphy was, "Everyone needs a little ass chewin' once in a while," and boy, did he chew on them. The VP of Student Affairs tried to warn my husband by telling him everything was not what it seemed and to watch out, but Joseph had been telling my husband all kinds of things about this couple and he didn't know what to think. Joseph told us that he hated this man and his wife, that he couldn't stand how they held hands or kissed each other. He said that this man would not drink liquor and that his (Joseph's) daddy had told him that if a man didn't drink it was because he couldn't. Joseph would belittle this couple in front of others and laugh behind their back. He would tell me how the wife wanted the job I was going to have. Joe was using use to rub in their face kind of like, "Look at this, you're out and they are in."

Within about a month of our arrival, this couple left and when they left, Joseph had to find new prey to torment. Yep, you're right. My husband and I became the new play toy for old Joe. We can be compared to a cat playing with a mouse. We were in his trap with no forseeable way to get out.

posted by Mines Broken @ Tuesday, October 21, 2003  


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