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Monday, November 29, 2004

Saga of Son

Son is doing well. He has an apartment now and will have a roommate in December. He and three of his friends came last night and moved his furniture out of his room. There's just a few things left. I still believe it was the right thing to do. His dad's been okay with it so far which surprises me, but the test will come if Son doesn't fair well or something happens. Son has to learn the boundaries of many things. He didn't want to do that at home, so maybe the world can teach him. His dad's having empty nest syndrome. This will be my third departure with the fourth following in December when my daughter moves back to Oklahoma. You always feel an emptiness, but time helps and also the knowledge that your kids will move out someday and make a life of their own.

posted by Mines Broken @ Monday, November 29, 2004  


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