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Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Poem of the Day


Life with its ups and downs
can bring you neatly to the ground.
Silently creeping, nary a sound
then all at once, trouble abounds.

Son got a job. He worked until 1a.m. last night. He has enough credits to graduate now so he is in the process of deciding whether to go now, or wait. Hopefully, the job will keep him too tired and busy for all the other stuff he was doing. Maybe this will be the turn around. I hope so.

Not too much has been going on and I'm thankful for that! Son gave me enough the last go-round! I finally got my vacuum going. It is under warranty, but the repair place is in Paris, Illinois and it took a month to get everything. Now I can truly vacuum again. I had to use my old one while waiting and it didn't do anything. It's pretty sad when the highlight of your week is getting your vacuum back!

Maybe more will happen later.

posted by Mines Broken @ Wednesday, March 03, 2004  


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