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Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Poem of the Day


I never thought this would happen to us
How many times has that thought been put down
on paper or song to find it was wrong

I never thought these tears I would cry
or leaving you or saying goodbye
would cause such pain,
clinging to a tattered refrain of our love

Years have passed while our song played
chorus 10 won't play again
These tears that drop splinter like glass
in the reverberating sound of our last dance

Lingering in the quiet halls of hope,
the radio plays, I turn down the volume
holding memories close to my heart
and brace myself for one last dance

How can it be, in this time of our lives
that one of us could leave the other
crying in the rain

No, don't try to explain, your eyes say it all
so one last kiss and one last dance
will close this life-long romance
the ending of a sweet love song.

We went to the employee Christmas party last week given by the staff on hourly wage. It seems not too many administrators go to these parties and they seemed pleased we showed up. It was a little different in that the men wouldn't dance, so we women did. I've always marveled at how insecure men are when they think they might make a fool of themselves and how women just go for it. You won't catch guys dancing with each other, but they will cry and pat each others rear-end during sports events. Go figure.

I love snow and have enjoyed the 3 or 4 times it has already snowed here in Indiana. So far, it has not stayed around too long, but it did stay 2 days after having snowed this past weekend. Basically, all I care about regarding snow is that I can drive and that has been the case to date.

I interviewed for adjunct faculty last week. It would only be part-time, but that is what I am shooting for at present. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

The airports are on high alert at present so that means I'll be setting out at 6a.m. this week to take my daughter to the airport. It's an hour drive, but at least there's no snow or ice in the forecast for that day.

I've got a lot to do the rest of this week and I'm getting a little stressed about it. We're going home for the holidays and I still have some things I need to get done before I go. I've got some Christmas shopping left. The house needs to be nice and clean before we leave; I have to take my daughter to the airport, and blah, blah, blah. So much to do, so little time.

Yesterday, I took my son to the Dr. due to hurting his foot in basketball on Sunday. We thought he might have broken it, but it is just severely sprained and will be sore for about 6 wks. He and basketball just don't mix sometimes. Last year at this time, he ruptured a kidney while playing. For us, it's been an expensive game! He was in the hospital for a week with the ruptured kidney and this year, x-rays and emergency room fees.

Well, have a good day!

posted by Mines Broken @ Tuesday, December 16, 2003  


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