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Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Poem Of The Day


Where are the normal people
in this awful place
I have a sense, a little hunch
they're not of the human race.
Fists all drawn, dunk their punch
side-step the verbal abuse
I know it, I'm sure of it
They all have a screw loose.
All's well that ends well
Is not exactly true
You better be a lot more careful
Or I might have to sue
Close your mouth and open your eyes
Remove the blank stare from your face
I can't wait, I'm lookin' forward
to leavin' this stupid place.

Poteau I just moved from a small town in Oklahoma to Indiana. I grew up in Oklahoma, but I can say with no reservation that the small town I lived in was not Oklahoma. The whole town, with few exceptions, was fodder for the Jerry Springer Show. It was the most socially illiterate and backward place I've ever had the misfortune to encounter and to say that I am glad to be away from there is an understatement. Even the so called "Educated" were unlike anything I've ever seen.

These people do not shy away from personal questions and one of the first things both men and women wanted to know about my husband was whether he had a mistress or not. He thought they were kidding at first, but when the President of the college, a whole story in itself and one I will tell, asked the same question, we knew this was going to be something different.

I was told by one of the "Educated" women at the college that I would need my husband to make appointments for me to see a physician, get my car worked on, and anything else in-between. I of course said, "You're joking, right?" She wasn't.

Then there were the hill people or as I called them, mutated mountain folk. These people scared me. Many of them had no running water or electricity. Many had no teeth and since there was no running water, no bath. My husband and I got lost in the hills once and stopped for directions at a small store. I begged my husband not to stop there because on the porch of this store was an old, ripped car seat and on that old seat sat an old man with, you guessed it, no teeth, no bath, and a scowl that said, "If you set foot on this porch I'll beat the hell out of you." Two fat, good ole boys joined him and all stared at us. I thought I was going to star in the Oklahoma hill country version of the movie "Deliverance." I swear, I've rode the subways in New York City and driven the small streets of Sicily not understanding a word of Italian, but Poteau made me more uncomfortable than any place I've ever been.

More Later

posted by Mines Broken @ Wednesday, September 17, 2003  


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