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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What I Know

This is what I think. There has always been a question as to whether God exists or not and a further question as to whether Jesus was God's son or not. Well, I believe he was. That also means I believe in God. At present, the world sees fit and especially in America to deny that God exists and if they acknowledge God, that Jesus is the only way into heaven. I don't' really care what the world thinks or anyone else. The end of time will tell it all. However, this is my personal opinion. The world will not accept God or Jesus because they represent right and wrong. Therefore, they are not trying to get rid of God or Jesus but right or wrong. If there is no God and no Jesus, then there is no right and wrong.

I have another question. If there is no God and no Jesus, why do you care? If they don't exist, why challenge it...just believe what you believe. If you don't believe in God or you're not sure, why bother with it? Why question it? Just go on with your beliefs. Act the way you want. If there is no God, there's no need for you to argue your point...he doesn't exist for you so why bother?

Another question. Why is it that people accept all other history except Israel's history? The world accepts history from Egypt, Assyria, Iraq, and any other place but if God is mentioned at all, there is a big question mark as to the validity of any history that includes God and Jesus. Why? Again, just believe what you believe. You can't disprove his existence anymore than his existence can be proved. Belief is by faith but why ignore this type of history? It doesn't make sense except that the world wants to disprove God's existence. So, don't believe but it's no more invalid that the history of Egypt and their believe in numerous God's. No one tries to disprove their Gods or any of the other previous nations God's. It's just stupid and only God is targeted for question in history.

That's my two cents worth for today.

posted by Mines Broken @ Wednesday, June 24, 2009   0 Comments

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Too Many Kettles on the Stove

I have too many things going on and too many online social things like Twitter, MySpace, Face Book and Blogger. I don't do any of them very well as you can see by my posts. This place is private to me though. No one knows about it and I can write what I please at least for now, as none of my family knows it exists.

I am a person who had and still has great potential in many areas and therein lies my problem. I could have gone too many different ways so I didn't go any way. Oh, I achieved degrees, a M.Ed. degree to be exact but that's not what I really wanted to do. What I really wanted to do was something in the "ology" areas. Before that however, I wanted to be a jewel thief...yep, that's right, a jewel thief. Of course, I was just a kid and when I informed my mother of this she nearly had a cow! In fact, it worried her that one of her spawn should want to be a JEWEL THIEF.

So, what did I do instead? I got married right out of high school to a man (actually a boy who had just turned 18) and within 6 months of marriage became pregnant. What I should have done was go to college before I had kids, before I chose the profession I did which I chose because I had kids...oh and because I wanted a divorce and wanted to be able to take care of my kids and...get the picture?

So where am I now? You got where. I'm not even working due to so many things that I'll have to tell those stories one at a time. Oh wait, I think I hear the violin music now! I've written several songs and never attempted to publish them. I've written 5 chapters of a novel, numerous children's stories, taken photographs that could be published, written tons of poetry (thus the title of this blog,) and numerous other writing endeavors. AND I'VE DONE NOTHING WITH ALL OF THEM!

Why? I've decided I don't multi-task too well and I get overwhelmed with all the details and don't know where to start but all that's just excuses--isn't it?

Time to go. Hopefully, it won't be an entire year before I write again and even if it is, who would know?

posted by Mines Broken @ Tuesday, June 23, 2009   0 Comments