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Monday, August 01, 2005

I'm back from 2 weeks in Pennsylvania!

SEEMS TO ME by s. streight

It seems to me, there should to be a time in life
when eyes open to things that ought to be
like faith and hope and love
the passing of knowledge
from old, to new
a kittens warm tongue
good friends and neighbors
things that are fun.
And, it seems to me, there ought to be
close knit families
old, homey places
ones that have stood, for decades at least
neighbors on porches and fun at the show
homemade ice cream, sleddin’ in the snow
and often I wonder, just where did it go?
We’re all so tired and dispersed far and wide
and the world just keeps spinning
and passing us by
as we tumble and stumble
and urgency laughs
every things going, simply too fast.

I need a moment, to catch my breath.

Life will go on, whether we’re here or we’re not
The in basket will stay, more fuller than not
An aged one will die, while a new one is born
And the children will age, as the parents grow old.

Do I make myself clear?

It seems to me, there should be a time in life
when we acknowledge what should be in life
slow down a bit, step back from the money pit
shove greed aside and acquire some peace.

URGENCY!!! by s. streight

Urgency rears its ugly head
and most of us run, to answer the call
and just like the insistent clamor of a phone
urgency amounts
to a salesman on the telephone.
Your urgency
His urgency
Her urgency
Their urgency
Not mine.
still, we answer.
Something’s wrong with that.
You can take your urgency
and shove it
where the sun don’t shine!
From this point forward
any urgency…
will be mine!

posted by Mines Broken @ Monday, August 01, 2005  


  • At 2:32 PM , Blogger BelleLaDonna said...

    I just thought I would say Hi and make sure you were haven't blogged in a while! I miss you and I am coming to visit Brent on Fall Break...hopefully Keelan will come with me!! I will come visit you even if she doesn't! Talk to you later! Love- LaDonna


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