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Sunday, July 03, 2005

Fourth of July
Fourth of July's a big thing around here. Tomorrow morning festivities begin with a parade down Wabash. Around 3pm various bands are scheduled to play at Fairbanks park until around 9:30 when the fireworks display will begin. Fairbanks Park is down by the Wabash River here in Terre Haute and is named after one of my ancestors. Various people already have the "big guns" out however and humongous fireworks have been going off for several days. We'll either go down to watch or blow our own up.

Son is hiding from someone. He's been evicted from his apartment which for the past two weeks he hasn't been living in anyway. He won't say where he is, just that he is staying with friends. Says he's tired of where he lives and wants to "get away from everyone" meaning those around his apartment. Hmm...

Have a happy and safe 4th of July and remember why we celebrate!

posted by Mines Broken @ Sunday, July 03, 2005  


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